Writings and Bible (Agathos Canon)

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4 (09/13/2021)
1 All things biotically and atomically alive need one connection for survival. Connection is something that all things have experienced since the first moments of the structured, yet uncertain universe. The lineage of expansion, heat, and coelescing universe has brought us here, linked by billions of forms and strings of energy. Humans have learned to seemingly be without one another and survive on the larger societal structures that have been created in the time of man; relying on the faces of distilled objects rather than the faces of kin. 2 One person may be a caretaker, while another a farmer, and another something different still. These infinite possiblities are children of the original uncertainty. This uncertainty causes conflict when one narrows in on one form of energy. 3 We all bring energy to the collective - to ourselves, our family, our community, our society, our country, our world, our universe - and the sequence of uncertain events will continue and the energy will take a new shape, and they are all good. 4 Plans and expectations and intention will be undone by uncertainty. One may enjoy one offering of the universe and dislike another and feel cheated.
6 And you will ask, since you are but a sequence of constructions within a matrix of perceptions of yourself, “Why am I angry? Why am I bound to this? 7 Whether I have done well or not, why am I not accepted? Why can I not control what I desire and feel?”
8 You may ask one who is close to you how to be better or more whole, and what is told to you in return will be a small beholden understanding of the grand construction of the forever, or antiforever, network around you. You will die not having seen all of the pure energy in you that also exists at the far ends of the universe, in its equally uncertain form.