Writings and Bible (Agathos Canon)

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1 Now it came to pass, as all things do, that man and beast and plant began to multiply and divide and fractionate and square off into disparate communities. 2 They are all beautiful and good in their similarities as well as their differences.
3 Uncertainty reminds us again of finiteness and change - and that we are flesh. 4 There were and will be giants amongst all colonies that will lead or follow or change. They too are made of flesh. 5 This flesh is not wicked, it is driven with intent and care and want and energy. 6 You will grieve the desires of others and they will grieve yours - every human and beast and creeping thing and fowl and fish. 7 If one is against them, they will be against us. 8 If one is for them, they are for us.
9 This is the genealogy of us. We are organisms, perfect in our generations of uncertainty. 10 Hunted. Fed. Survived. Loved. 11 The earth is filled with uncertainty that dons the guise of violence and separation. 12 Yet, there is always connection, and this is always good.

13 The earth is filled with violence in its mountain building, volcanoes, tornados, tsunamis, cyclones, earthquakes, and floods. This is its way. This is the small, wonderful, and passionate world you were born into. 14 And here you can make yourself a home and create a space, and it will be remarkable unto you - as every other space is in the universe. 15 The earth is yours and all the space that is in it. 16 Make sure you can witness the sky in the light of day, and the stars by the darkness of night wherever you are. 17 And also take time to behold the most violent agents of the earth; the ocean and the land. Learn from them, for they are both wild and changing. Both entirely giving, and yet, uncertain. 18 But here we establish covenant with ourselves and each other with the knowledge that everything on the earth shall die. 19 And so shall all you know in one way or another.