Writings and Bible (Agathos Canon)

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1 As man came together and multiplied, groups of people with common histories and experiences migrated, toiled, and survived to grow into empires. 2 Rulers of these people worked together and warred and changed and passed on, just as all did before. 3 Some groups grew large and others stayed small and others integrated into cultures stronger than theirs. 4 Leaders, kings, chieftans, emperors, or other sovereigns took the places of early gods and those early gods took the place of nature and the changing patterns of the universe. 5 These peoples developed the wilderness and battled for territory on every inch of land. 6 We’ve made slimepits into roads and forests into village centers. 7 And some of those who had left long ago returned to their assumed native land, which had too changed, just like their collective memory of the land’s sites, smells, sounds, and textures. 8 In the place of their hopes, they found new rulers, new vines, and new mountains to climb. 9 The original peoples of those lands had long parted. 10 And the rivers had drained and the mountains were no longer covered in ginko trees. 11 And they looked at their lot and the children of that world, who dwelt and dealt in change, and took their goods and departed again.
13 Some had stayed in those plains and lived their days out. 14 And they divided and adapted to the altered community and were individually and wholly fruitful to the commonwealth. 15 The people shared and smote amongst themselves and their servants, by night and day. 16 They collected, stole, and lost goods within their lot, continually.
17 And the kings of these lands slaughtered one another. 18 And the families of this land, who brought forth bread and wine, and shared in the holiest of vows, slaughtered one another. 19 And they were a blessed people. 20 They were blessed by the highest power, themselves - and the energy that fills them and all other things. 21 Their bodies, minds, and possessions have all been taken and given according to the unplanned plan. 22 And all those who lifted up their head to the sky and offered unto themselves their treasure, shall have it.