Writings and Bible (Agathos Canon)

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1 Sit at threshold of your home, or a pass through a threshhold which you live, in the heat of the day. 2 Lift up your eyes and look and see all that is in front of you. At your feet and before your hands. 3 If you find favor in what you see, pass not away from the scene, but shower it with the wholeness of energy within you. 4 Let yourself find favor in what your eyes collect and watch openly. 5 Let your palms pray and your tongue be thirsty. Find the space to be washed at your feet, rested beneath a fragrant juniper, grabbing a morsel of bread for the comfort of your hands. 6 After that, pass on and continue to traverse what your eyes, ears, nose, fingers, and tongue expose to you. 7 And in your wandering, you will be a member of herds - some hasty and some unhurried. 8 Taste the reward of their butter and engage with the mongoose that gifted you milk. Grow and cut the meat and vegetables or food that you fancy and share it under the same sun that all creatures on earth bare to benefit from.
9 Even when you are old, and waxed, and stricken by the incoming dawn, can you bear fruit. 10 Your time is not done even as the moments pass and your energy shifts focus. 11 Is anything too hard for those who passionately brave forth with energy and delight?
10 And even those who rise up against you in anger, and appear blind to your story, bring them along with you as far as they will walk, so both you and they may learn. 11 And they will hide from themselves, in a way, at all times at the sight of you moving forward. And you will do the same. 12 To become a great and mighty nation, one must hear the cry of the child in themselves and follow it down to its origin. 13 In this grove of gifts you must take rest - in both the wicked and the righteous. 14 Why would you destroy one part of yourself and spare another? 15 If you are to slay, it is better to slay the righteous with the wicked, and and the righteous should be like the wicked in all of its countenance. 15 But better than this is to not slay either and hold the wicked warmly next to the righteous until they are nameless and indisernible. 16 Behold then the true gift of what you love too much to destroy. Yourself.