Writings and Bible (Agathos Canon)

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1 All before you is a gift to be shared and regarded. You too are a gift unto everything. Your existence makes the earth tremble with kinetic energy and you too are celebrated and shared. 2 As you lift your eyes from the ground to the sky and walk among the reeds of the riverbank, the world will wash your feet and wake you at the first light to continue forth. 3 In a way, you will hunt for your food and shelter and safety by taking from others. Yet, you will also give unto others even without your knowledge. For there is a push and pull inside of you even beyond your sight.
4 When creatures and men and weather lay seige at your door - the young, the old, the scaled, and the cloudy will look into every crack you adorn, 5 and they will call upon you and demand answers to why your architecture is so strange. They will then give you verbal bobbles and trinkets and mortar to explain your quizzical nature. Creating doubt with their supposed knowledge. 6 And you may abide their words or consider them or shut them down - here, all answers are good, for it is your responsibility to guide your mind. 7 Perhaps you may say unto them, “Do not so wickedly accuse me, for hidden in plain or shadowed sight is your own crack that may need mending or attention. So, before you look upon me with derision and calloused hearts, set sights on your own drumming.”