Writings and Bible (Agathos Canon)

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1 If spirits or conscious sentiments be whispering into your ear, do not push their heedings away, for they will follow you and wait. 2 These creations will be born in time and will be just as raw as the time before. 3 You will call your wound by some names, but it will have many others unknown to you. 4 You will try and circumcise your suffering while it is young. 5 You will live one hundred years cutting at yourself and nary will it be wholly gone. 6 You will laugh at it to make it seem to be a tiny molecule in your vastness, even given its inevidable multiplicative nature. 7 In your old age, you will bare the same suffering, but treat it as a foe and not a friend, who has been with you longer than you’ve been counting the days of your healing.

8 Even when unwatched, the innocent will grow, and wean itself on other demonstrative feasts. 9 And that which are pristine and unblemished will be mocked into learned shame and then banished. 10 The shame will cast out the innocent, 11 and it will not only grieve you, but others who witness the fading light. 12 But if thou art keen and conscionable, in time it will be seen that both innocence and shame can seed nations, because both parts will grow exactly like the children of uncertainty. 13 One nation will branch out infinitely and germinate self doubt and treachery. 14 The other nation will branch out infinitely and sprout blamelessness and sincerity. 15 And in paralleled deserts these entities will run out of the bread and water that sustained them while apart. 16 The host body of shame, innocence, and many other presences will realize that all the beings in them could have been fed together to save resources. The host body can then see that shame and innocence have been living isolated under the same roof. 17 Then the host body may weep and say, “Let me not see the death of my fractured self.” 18 And in ones’ sorrow, acknowledgement, and self-reflective honesty may the host body, or yourself, find a well of water to drink and be sated. 19 You can open your eyes and fill all of the creatures inside of you, for they drink from the same mouth. 20 Once you are sated, shame and innocence can come together to form a new nation and negotiate the world together.