Writings and Bible (Agathos Canon)

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1 There once was an organism that of both cleverness and learnedness. 2 Within its tribe of similarly shaped creatures, it spent years manipulating the land and creatures within it that they tended to. 3 One day, one of them was reminded to go back and tend to the land of their forefathers as the earth that they were living on had grown sparse of plants and the mother soil was depleted by greed and monogrowth. 4 Several tribesmen agreed to set off for the old territory that would be as new to them in memory as the first taste of light to a newborn. It had been many years since these people had known and been part of the destintions ecosystem and soils.

5 The leader of the bunch promised their kinsmen protection on their journey. 6 The leader sent for their kin saying, I am aware that we no longer thrive here as much as we use to. 7 We have been overworked and cheated and only reaped minimal profits. 8 Our people have worked as hard as they could and conceded in every possible way to keep the peace. 9 We are no longer bound to this land and we should set off down a new path. 10 If we are together in this, we will succeed in anything.”

11 The leader’s kin responded, “Is there not still reason for us to stay in my father’s household? 12 Does he hate us so much as to take all from us and leave nothing for our children, his own descendents? 13 I believe you to be correct, let us do as you have suggested.”

14 So the leader got up, put their kin on the path toward their old territory with all their livestock and possessions that acquired and they put one foot in front of the other. Here, all started accepted the impending change.

15 Days later, the father figure of the clan realized the absence of some of his kin and set out behind them. 16 Several nights later, he reached the travellers and said, “Why have you gone? Leaving me and all that you know and not letting me know?” 17 The leader responded, “I was afraid and convinced myself that you would take everything from me. Identify whatever I have that is yours, in front of our kin, and take it.”

18 “But you have also taken my gods in your rush to get away. Why would you do this?” In the leaders haste, he had not accounted for the faith or tangibles that may be lost in the uproar. 19 He set off to restore his former fathers’ things but could not find them. One of his kin hid information about the items they stole, and their withheld information resulted in argument between the leader and father. 20 Grievances from the past surfaced as accusations and demands filled the air of mistreatment and lack of gratitude.

21 Once all was said, a treaty was drawn up to witness the end of the debate and therefore the relationship. Agree to disagree and bear witness to the consequence.