Writings and Bible (Agathos Canon)

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1 And you, like all, will go on your way and claim your space in an unfamiliar territory. 2 And you may find upon return to your homeland that there were ghosts that you left behind. The kind of ghosts and beings and memories and feelings that remind you of a past self. 3 One may try to overcompensate to the ghosts and give them gifts and cower at their feet. 4 You have spent so long building and learning and growing without the ghosts whispering in your ear. 5 They suggest to you and are a part of you, but are not all of you. 6 The shadow self is still 100% you and good. 7 Your fears of meeting one who might smite you with 400 aggravated men is a trembling aspect that you will have to become one with, yet continue forth to meet those aggressors in kind, lest you give your power to the past before you have even looked it in the eye. 8 Take all you have and cross that great river.