Writings and Bible (Agathos Canon)

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Before I get to the good stuff, a little background.. in 2018 I left Ohio to go to graduate school at the University of Idaho for geology, with a specialization in glaciology - studying calving and ice melange formation using terrestrial radar interferometry at a glacier in West Greenland. Good stuff, fun stuff - i.e. coding massive datasets and teaching and writing. Trying to keep my sanity. The glaciers are melting and sea level is rising and we are shifting into a period of warming at this junction of geologic history, the end. Blame is futile. So what do we do now?

Anyway, after moving to Moscow, Idaho I integrated into an unusually closely knit, brilliant and forward thinking group of evolutionary biologist, plant pathologists, plant biologists, planetary geologists, geneticists, mycologists, lawyers, artists, software engineers, philosophers, fire geographers, moral psychologists, and social scientists. The conversations.. the exchange of information.. the desire for trust and community building… the inquiry and curiosity into the unknown were unparalleled to anything I had come across in my life. Frankly, I felt out of place. But as rapidly as the heat birth of the universe, the networks started churning and energy between beings were transferred. It’s important to mention them because their dreams and goals to build trust and to be engaged in the building of next chapter of this world are now my ambitions.

That started almost four years ago, and now the diaspora of our group is spread throughout the states and world where we all are pursuing trust, philanthropy, science, various forms of nation building, and ultimately images of love.

My work has recently revolved around an effort to rewrite the Bible to meet this progressive, rational yet spiritual world. I am taking each book and verse of the Bible and deconstructing it to be more vast and more welcoming to the truths and peculiarities of the uncertain universe. You may find how it’s going here:

I am also in the process of creating several play scripts for a genre of theater that I call “Cringe Theater”. Cringe theater takes pointers from 20th century dadaism and naturalism, art movements that on one hand, in the case of dadaism, were absurdist reactions to structurally narrow values of logic, reason, and capitalism, and in the case of naturalism, were experimental writings believing that man is not outside of nature and depictions of external phenomena should be studied precisely through the stark laws of nature. Today, to be “cringe” is to be part of some phenomena has been deemed embarrassing, uncomfortable, or disgusting. Cringe is subject to varying degrees of cancel culture and erasure. This erasure lessens social and cultural diversity in a globalized, internet connected world. I seek to create plays and art that is inclusive of all protests and belief systems by illustrating that there is no consensus in the movement of the world and that good and evil are constrictive concepts that do not aid in group cohesion. With my geology background, I also seek to use natural phenomena and the physical laws of nature to remind onlookers of the pointed violence of universal systems and to not acknowledge those agents is to cause more suffering.

I would love to be part of a forward, inspiring art form that allows the creativity of experiential connections to generate the absurd and brilliant features of universal image circuitry.